Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2024 Primary Election

Note: this post will be periodically updated! (02/17/2024)

VOTER GUIDE QUICK LINKS TO: Federal candidates, State candidates, Proposition 1, Judges, County Supervisors, Local Measures

Continue reading “Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2024 Primary Election”

Today in “Did that just happen?”: A candidate for public office told a story about cats…

Did Bruce Boyer reveal that he may have overlooked voter fraud and/or committed it himself at the Jan. 23rd Board of Supervisors meeting?

Experts believe that real election fraud remains “vanishingly rare.” Proof? Despite determined investigations and bottomless funding, the hard-right Heritage Foundation, authors of the authoritarian Project 2025, has only located 1,500 instances across the entire nation since 1982(!!!), against literally billion of ballots, to justify their story that voter fraud is rampant in America and their drafting of voter suppression legislation

Will the 1,501st addition to their pathetic collection come from right here in Ventura County? Mr. Boyer may have thought he was just teaching us a lesson, but you and our county and state election officials will be the judge. Roll the film!

This excerpt comes from the Jan. 23 meeting. Here is the full video. The excerpt starts at ±4:09:25
Continue reading “Today in “Did that just happen?”: A candidate for public office told a story about cats…”

Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2022 Primary Election

Note: this post will be periodically updated! (05/18/2022)

QUICK LINKS TO: Federal candidates, State candidates, County candidates, Local Measures, Voting/registration information, Ballot drop-off locations, In-person voting locations, Other voting guides/endorsements.

We believe we have promises to keep to Rep. Elijah Cummings, to Rep. John Lewis and to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg – that we would care for the country they sacrificed so much for. And after watching the GOP abandon any pretense to democracy, after watching raucous school board meetings with angry parents yelling out fake CRT beliefs and demanding the banning of books, after watching red state legislatures pass harmful anti-LGBTQIA laws, anti-abortion penalties and racist voting restrictions – we find that we actually share one belief with the extreme right-wing that there are no unimportant elections, no unimportant public offices, and no elected offices where the beliefs of the candidate don’t matter, even those deemed “non-partisan.”

  • Although Indivisible Ventura is not officially endorsing any particular candidate, we’ve pulled together endorsements from other groups we respect for your consideration, along with relevant reference materials. We need to win.
  • Note – we NEVER RECOMMEND VOTING FOR SOMEONE WITHOUT ENDORSEMENTS! Leadership implies trust has been earned. Minimum ask for candidates: Find people who would trust you with the power of the office you seek and ask them to endorse you. Can’t find anyone? Get involved in the community in a hands-on way and earn that trust.
  • Not all the people/races listed in our guide are on your ballot. Check your sample ballot or click here.
  • It’s OK to leave parts blank.
  • Read political flyers carefully. Who paid for it? Is it from a political party, or are they pay-to-play “slate” mailers? Read this article from 2016.
  • You don’t need to be an expert to become involved. Phonebanking! Textbanking! Letter Writing! and other great things to do!: Click here.
  • This post will be updated as more endorsements come in.

We fell down research rabbit holes for you so that you and our husbands wouldn’t have to. It’s now on all of us to fix what we can and to create a path to a more just and sustainable future for this country that we love. At a polling booth, or at our own kitchen tables, armed with a pen and a ballot, we are going to fight for the American dream for everyone.

  • If you were actually looking for an absolutely non-partisan guide, go here and here.

QUICK LINKS TO: Federal candidates, State candidates, County candidates, Local Measures, Voting/registration information, Ballot drop-off locations, In-person voting locations, Other voting guides/endorsements.

Continue reading “Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2022 Primary Election”

Sun 11/8: Finding elections more interesting than you thought?

Volunteer with Scrutineers! Use your inner wonk for good!

Raise your hand: Who has learned more about elections since Trump took office, than they learned in high school civics class?

Oh, but there’s MORE! Check out the Scrutineers and their opportunities to help create trust in the integrity of our elections! If you are a detail-oriented person, and not frightened by words like “spreadsheet”, this may be the dream volunteer community for you!

Who or what are the Scrutineers?

Scrutineers is an online community of people who care about the fairness and accuracy of US elections and are committed to doing what we can to protect the elections. We’re movement veterans, newcomers, and everything in-between. We’re a nonpartisan organization dedicated to ending voter suppression and ensuring secure elections. We’re here to LEARN, CONNECT, and ACT. 

Now that the election is over, their project list for volunteers is being constantly updated. Some of the projects require you to become a membeer of Scrutineers ($1.99 – we are members!) and others don’t.

You can download their “Find a Project” app for Android or iPhone from here, or, as we have done, you can access the information through a computer. However, since we found the desktop interface a little confusing, we’re walking everyone through it here.

When the page comes up on a desktop computer, it just looks like the image of a phone, but you can enter your email address directly into it.

Continue reading “Sun 11/8: Finding elections more interesting than you thought?”

Fri. 10/30: Note to self… Trump is NOT in charge of this election.

Quote: For those of us only remember part of the first line of Roosevelt’s inauguration speech of 1933 (our hand is up!), it’s worth reading the whole thing, which sounds like it could have been written yesterday.

#1 – Let’s take a breath here…

Our email and media feeds are flooded with potential election stealing and violence at the polls. Not only may these visions be overblown, but they may, in fact, be turning fear into a weapon against us, intimidating us from voting this criminal administration out of office.

Today, we were given permission from writer/observer R. Hubbell, to reprint his Oct. 28th article, to remind us the safeguards even a tyrant like Trump can’t touch. (You can subscribe to his great newsletter here.)

It is a sad reality that our president is not elected directly by the citizens of the United States. For good or ill, the Framers of the Constitution created a body that we now refer to as the “Electoral College.” The Electoral College elects the president and vice president, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and enabling legislation. The Constitution and statutes provide that states may count votes from November 4th through December 8, 2020, with the latter date serving as the deadline for states to certify the selection of their Electors to the National Archivist. Six days later (December 14), the Electors meet in their respective states to cast their ballots in accordance with their state’s election results. For a general description of the timeline, see Congressional Research Service, “The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline.” The election of the president becomes official on January 6, 2021 when Congress counts the votes cast by the Electors in their respective state meetings.

Continue reading “Fri. 10/30: Note to self… Trump is NOT in charge of this election.”

Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2020 Presidential Election

Note: this post will be periodically updated! (10/6/2020)
  • If you’re voting for Trump and the end of democracy, this is not the voting guide for you.
  • If you’re looking for an absolutely non-partisan guide, go here and here.
  • Although Indivisible Ventura is not officially endorsing any particular candidate, we’ve pulled together endorsements from other groups we respect for your consideration, along with relevant reference materials.
  • Phonebanking! Textbanking! Letter Writing! and other great things to do!: Click here.

QUICK LINKS TO: Federal candidates, State candidates, County Supervisor, City Candidates, School District Races, Special District Races, Propositions, Local Measures, Voting/registration information, Ballot drop-off locations, In-person voting locations, “Protect the Vote” volunteer opportunities, Other voting guides/endorsements.

We have promises to keep to Rep. Elijah Cummings, to Rep. John Lewis and to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg – that we would care for the country they sacrificed so much for. It’s now our job to fix what we can and to create a path to a more just and sustainable future for those who come after us. At a polling booth, or at our own kitchen tables, armed with a pen and a ballot, we are going to fight for the American dream for everyone.

Continue reading “Indivisible Ventura’s Voting Guide for the 2020 Presidential Election”

Thurs 9/24: Another postcard for the GOP.

He can’t steal an election by himself.

We Democrats will have to fall for his lies to help him pull this off. So, keep reminding your social media friends, that we are the majority and to go out and vote like Ruth Bader Ginsburg is watching.

He will also depend on his able cast of enablers, including all the GOP members of the Senate. So, if you’ve finished sending out cards to those who swore they’d never seat a new justice in an election year (, here’s another proposed script for those quivering toadies.

Dear Sen. _______

The GOP has had many chances to stand up to the anti-democratic actions of President Trump. And each time, you’ve remained silent, putting your party over our country. Even now, as he threatens the orderly transfer of power for the first time in our history, you are afraid to say his name. Similar to the question to Sen. Joe McCarthy +60 years ago, we ask: Have you no decency? Have you no patriotism? Have you no honor? Have you no courage?

Signed _______________

Here’s a list of addresses to send them to. Just look for the red dots.


Continue reading “Thurs 9/24: Another postcard for the GOP.”

Tues 12/10: Today’s do-it-ourselves-democracy action – 2 actions for election security.

Action #1 – Call your senator to add election security to the budget on Dec. 20th.

Minimal script: I’m calling from [zip code]  and I’m asking Senator______ to protect election security by:
1. Dedicating at least the $600 million the house passed for election security 
2. Requiring hand-marked paper ballots only, no machine marked paper ballots, with the single exception of non-tabulating ballot marking devices for voters who need assistance.
3. Requiring a secure chain of custody of the ballots. 
Senator Feinstein: email, DC (202) 224-3841, LA (310) 914-7300, SF (415) 393-0707, SD (619) 231-9712, Fresno (559) 485-7430
and Senator Harris: email, DC (202) 224-3553, LA (213) 894-5000, SAC (916) 448-2787, Fresno (559) 497-5109, SF (415) 355-9041, SD (619) 239-3884
Who is my representative/senator?: 


Action #2 – Working together, we can bring election security to the national debate stage.

This guest post from Jennifer Tanner of Indivisible DA-33 tells us how to do it! We have until Dec. 13th to get this done. SHARE widely!

If you’ve already done this, share with your family and friends! 

Continue reading “Tues 12/10: Today’s do-it-ourselves-democracy action – 2 actions for election security.”

Thurs 11/21: Today is 3rd Thursday “Pizza, comradery, & postcard” event!”

Indivisible Ventura is still in mourning over Congressman Elijah Cummings’ passing. In his honor, we encourage everyone to do these actions for democracy listed on our 10/16 post.

Action  – TODAY! Meet at Santino’s for pizza, good conversation, and social justice – every Third Thursday starting at 11:30 am

Today: We’re going to be writing 300 postcards to voters in Dallas, Texas in connection with the NAACP and the Center for Common Ground’s – Reclaim our Vote campaign!

  • Where: Santino’s Pizza. It’s at 4231 Telegraph Rd., Ventura, 9300
  • When: Thursday, Nov. 21st, 11:30am – 1:30pm.
  • RSVP for our supporters: Nope. Just come. Invite your friends!
    We do, however, reserve the right to refuse any volunteers and their services.
  • What to bring: We provide the pizza, postcards, stationary. If you prefer, you may bring your own stationary for letter actions.
  • Donations gratefully accepted: A postcard stamp is $0.35! We’re trying to achieve 300 finished postcards, which equals $105. Donations of money for stamps and pizza or rolls of postcard stamps are gratefully accepted. 
  • Questions? Email

Deeper dive into the  RECLAIM OUR VOTE campaign.
Why do we need this campaign? Community of color voters are being placed on “Inactive” or “Unregistered” lists at a 16% higher rate than whites. The ability to vote of people in minority communities was already being systematically undermined over the last decade, by the imposition of strict new voter ID laws, by the reduction in polling places and early voting, and through many other tactics.

Continue reading “Thurs 11/21: Today is 3rd Thursday “Pizza, comradery, & postcard” event!””