Mon – 10/15: Today’s Action Prescription.

Action #1 – Make another comment on this! We have until 11:59 EST

The president has asked Zinke to clear all of us off his lawn… The number of comments has risen from the low 700’s to  over 36,000.

However, between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people marched in DC for the first Women’s March on January 21, 2017! We can do better. Please social media the heck out of this. 

Click here!

Action #2 – If you got your ballot, or a sample ballot in the mail…

Time to start becoming familiar with the issues and candidates.

Indivisible Ventura has put out our own voting guide here, and it has links to a lot of others.

Action #3 – Sign up for Jen Hofmann tele-class on The Art of Perseverance – Part 1 starts today at 4:00 pm.

Sign up here. If you missed this one, catch up here.

00:00 First class intro and what to expect
10:27 Grounding strategy 1: Breath.
15:08 Focus strategy 1: Vision.
25:52 Decrease overwhelm strategy 1: Healthy boundaries with the news
38:16 Inspiration strategy 1: Gratitude
41:31 Assignment review and next steps.
Class 1 assignments
  • Practice taking three deep breaths and exhalations this week when you feel stressed.
  • Work on narrowing your vision to 3-5 words. “The kind of world I want to create is…”
  • Notice how you consume news and make a change to your habits that decreases overwhelm.
  • Write a note expressing gratitude for the many things you appreciate about one person.
  • As you try these four things, notice if they contribute to increased feelings of well-being.

Action #4 – New postcard or poster design donated by Mary Engelbreit.

Click here to download and print out as postcards or as large as 11×17 inches.

Action #5 – Read this. Pass it on.

I’m Dying. Here is what I refuse to accept with serenity – Ady Barkan


Mon. 6/4: There are only two forms of power…money and votes. Use yours tomorrow.

Indivisible Ventura has spent a lot of time registering college students this year. Here are the top three statements we hear.

“My vote doesn’t count”.

This is the biggest objection when we talk to students about registering to vote. These are students who:

  • will finish their educational efforts with the largest student debt loads in history, presided over by a Secretary of Education who has personally profited off these loans and is actively helping Trump make them harder to pay off.
  • will face high entry-level housing costs, inadequate health and child care access, along with stagnant wages when they graduate.
  • will be most affected by the possible loss of a free internet.

“I’m sending a message by not voting”.

Yes, unfortunately, they are. The message is that legislators are free to ignore everything that’s important to them and concentrate on other groups, like the elderly and the wealthy, who always show up at the polls. Students, the poor, people of color, and the disabled, are being disenfranchised because they aren’t deploying their only form of power in sufficient numbers. Continue reading “Mon. 6/4: There are only two forms of power…money and votes. Use yours tomorrow.”