Fri 8/7: Part 1 – The UN and Amnesty International are calling out the U.S. for violations of BLM protesters’ human rights. Call your legislators.

Action:  – Call your representatives!  “YES” on HR 7315! ” Protect our Protestors Act of 2020″

This is humiliating. Under Trump, “the shining city on the hill,” now merits 14 pages in the World Report on Human Rights Violations. (pages 602 to 616).

Amnesty International urges Congress to pass HR 7315 – the Protect our Protestors Act of 2020 and for all law enforcement agencies to revise their policies and practices for the policing of protests, and  comply with international human rights standards, including the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, the guiding principles underpinning all operations before, during and after demonstrations.

Minimal script: I’m calling from [zip code] to ask Rep. [___] to support HR 7315 – Protect our Protestors Act of 2020 and for all federal law enforcement agencies to comply with UN Code of Conduct standards and Basic Principles on firearms use.

Rep-check here. Neither Brownley nor Carbajal are cosponsors yet.


Rep. Julia Brownley: email(CA-26): DC (202) 225-5811, Oxnard (805) 379-1779, T.O. (805) 379-1779
or Rep. Salud Carbajal:
email.(CA-24): DC (202) 225-3601, SB (805) 730-1710 SLO (805) 546-8348
Who is my representative/senator?:

Deeper Dive

Amnesty International: “Today, Amnesty International USA released a report documenting widespread and egregious human rights violations by police officers against protesters, medics, journalists and legal observers who gathered to protest the unlawful killings of Black people by the police and to call for systemic reform in May and June of 2020. The report, The World is Watching: Mass Violations by US Police of Black Lives Matter Protesters’ Rights, builds on Amnesty’s interactive mapping of violence against protesters and new findings on the use of lethal force by the police. It is the most comprehensive human rights analysis of police violence against protesters to date.” (Amnesty International)

The United Nations: “The United Nations human rights office on Friday called on U.S. security forces to limit their use of force against peaceful protesters and journalists, as clashes between federal agents and demonstrators continue in Portland, Ore.” (WaPo)

ACLU:The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Monday wrote an open letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council calling for an emergency session of the global body and an investigation into police violence and repression of protests in the U.S.

“It is time the United States face the same scrutiny and judgement it is quick to pass on to other countries,” Jamil Dakwar, director of the ACLU’s Human Rights Program, said in a statement.”

“Hardy Merriman, CEO and president of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, told The Hill nonviolent protests and civil resistance are “part of our American tradition,” and the use of violence to put down such movements reflect a worrying trend in the direction of democracies.These movements historically have tended to make democracy stronger and they do this around the world,” he said. “Trying to squash them with violent force would be erosive to our democracy.” (The Hill)

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